InVision Books

Odyssey︰Finding the Authentic Self
Odyssey︰Finding the Authentic Self

What we see, believe and strive for is what we use our own beliefs to define and deduce in our own world. It can also be interpreted that the world is composed of conversation and deduction. Based on this principle, the author deeply believes that “who you are should be defined and deduced by yourself”.

Building Trust in Business, Politics, Relationships and Life
Building Trust in Business, Politics, Relationships and Life

Building Trust is the essential reading of ACMA ACC/MCC Advanced/Mastery Coaching Certification. Building Trust offers invaluable insight into a vital aspect of human relationships. Only leaders understanding Authentic Trust can gain the total trust of teams and organizations for the creation of better future.

Three Dimensional Coaching: Moving Passion Into Performance
Three Dimensional Coaching: Moving Passion Into Performance

Three Dimensional Coaching integrates key parts of three of the most influential coaching models existing today.The book provides guidance to the coach to facilitate their client to effectively feel keenly and undergo or experience the variety and depth of human complexity as they move toward their goals.

The Global Achievement Gap: Why Even Our Best Schools Don’t Teach the New Survival Skills Our Children Need—and What We Can Do About It
The Global Achievement Gap: Why Even Our Best Schools Don’t Teach the New Survival Skills Our Children Need—and What We Can Do About It

Essential reading recommended by the Family and Teens Department of the InVision Group.
Highly recommended by Senior Conductors of Leadership Training and Teens Training from the InVision Group.

Your Survival Strategies Are Killing You: The Eight Principles You Must Follow To Thrive in Life and Work
Your Survival Strategies Are Killing You: The Eight Principles You Must Follow To Thrive in Life and Work

In this easy-to-read, emotionally engaging, human drama, you learn and discover how to move from the survival mode and begin to thrive.


本書為全球最頂尖波士頓顧問集團(BCG)高級顧問,超過十年經驗的巔峰代表著作,作者曾與超過200位知名企業CEO一對一諮詢,從而歸納所得的企業不敗法則 。透過數十家全球頂尖企業的成功與失敗,本書闡述許多「轉敗為勝」、「從盛而衰」和「持續成功」的經典個案與嶄新觀念,是商業人士不能錯失的經典巨著。


這是本書將介紹給你的一種結合「大腦科學」、「心理學」、「統計分析學」的超科學工具──全腦思維科學分析(Emergenetics Science)的核心概念。其實每個人都有與生俱來的「本質天賦」,只要透過全腦思維分析獨創的本質個性測驗與解說,就能找出每個人潛藏的「本質天賦」。此外,當你學會如何看穿別人的性格特質後,也就知道該怎麼和他溝通,彼此的互動自然順暢無礙。



